Alverstoke Church of England Junior School




Community Links







The annual Christmas Tree festival at St Mary’s Church is very popular event that we take part in. Our pianists and choir perform to the congregation and our Christmas Tree is decorated accordingly. After the event our Christmas Tree is displayed in the school entrance.







Every December a few of our children take a visit to the Starfish Ward at QA Hospital, to distribute gifts that are donated or purchased from our carol service collection. It’s an absolute delight to be able to bring smiles to the children who will spend their Christmas period in hospital.



Year 3 contributed to ‘Acts of Kindness’ Christmas appeal and made festive cards that were distributed by the charity to the elderly at QA Hospital.






 This Easter 'Acts of Kindness' donated some eggs to the school to support some of our families over the holiday. They have also been supporting us with food parcels and clothes.











For Harvest Festival this year St Mary's Church were collecting donations for Gosport Food Bank, the school were pleased to be able to help donate to this wonderful organisation.









Every year the choir sing Christmas carols to the residents of local nursing homes. This is very much enjoyed by both children and residents.




 Each year the school participates in the Shoebox appeal. Children and their families fill boxes with various goodies,   choosing if it is for a boy or a girl, these are collected and distributed through the Wessex Rotary Club.